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Featured Faithful

Centered on long-time volunteer Reverend Dr. Gary Petersen, this Featured Faithful post explores the beginnings of the Building on Faith program and Global Village.

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Golden Anniversary Gift

Golden Anniversary Gift

Howard and Karen Burd celebrate Golden Anniversary with gifts to Habitat for Humanity.

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Habitat Dominicana

Habitat Dominicana

In less than a week our team of 16 employees from Cisco, and their partner companies, built two new homes with Habitat for Humanity Dominican Republic. Not bad for a bunch of tech employees from…

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Global Village - Destination Halifax 2

Destination Halifax

Volunteer Mary La Tourelle provides an account of a recent Global Village trip to Halifax, the capital of the Canadian province of Novia Scotia.

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An Unexpected Trip to Colombia

An Unexpected Trip to Colombia

Our group of 19 people from Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tacoma had spent a year fundraising and preparing for a service trip to build houses in Guatemala. A week before departure, we had to reroute…

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Greetings from Guatemala

Greetings from Guatemala

Take a peek into the 2017 Global Village trip to Guatemala as told by Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat's Director of Operations, Jason Gauthier. Read about how volunteers and Guatemalans worked together to build basic human health…

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