American Rescue Plan Act Update
Tacoma Habitat works closely with local jurisdictions to to give voice to both the concerns of foreclosure and access to affordable homeownership opportunities and advocating for ARPA funding distributions in support of housing solutions.
Read More07/26/2021
Home in Tacoma Update
In order to address housing shortages and increase access to affordable and attainable housing, we must provide more opportunities to create housing. To serve the community, we must adapt.
Read More05/25/2021
Racial Disparities Workgroup
The 2021 Washington legislative session saw decisions around equity, including a commitment to create and fund a workgroup to reduce racial disparities in Washington homeownership rates.
Read More04/22/2021
MFTE Program Updates
SB 5287 culminates this multi-year effort to extend and expands Washington State’s multi-family tax exemption (MFTE) program.
Read More04/05/2021
Ordinance 28747, Tacoma
Tacoma City Council passed Ordinance 28747 enacting a 1/10 of 1% sales tax (a dime for every $100 spent) to support Affordable housing and behavioral health supports, including housing.
Read More03/19/2021
Call to Action: Ordinance 28747
The City of Tacoma Council will hear Ordinance 28747 on Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021. This would utilize their authority to impose a 1/10th of 1% sales tax to support affordable housing and mental health treatment…
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American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
This analysis of the American Rescue Plan was prepared by Habitat for Humanity International's Office of Government Relations and Advocacy, and highlights the significant housing assistance for homeowners and renters included in the bill.
Read More02/23/2021
Councilmember Hans Zeiger on Housing
In part 1 of an interview series with newly seated Pierce County Councilmembers, we hear from Hans Zeiger (District 2).
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Habitat on the Hill
Habitat on the Hill is an important opportunity to serve as professional witnesses, joining with more than 700 colleagues from affiliates throughout the country. We came together to advocate for affordable housing and meet with…
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