Events Calendar

Homeowner Orientation

Attendance at a Homeowner Orientation Session is the first step to becoming a Habitat homeowner. Register today to attend on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

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Habitat Challenge, 2022

Some take the Habitat Challenge to conquer fears; others to mark a milestone; some do it just for the bragging rights. Whatever the reason, when you take the Challenge, you’ll be 245′ above Tacoma with just one way down.

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New Volunteer Orientation

Interested in volunteering with Tacoma Habitat? All new volunteers must attend a virtual New Volunteer Orientation prior to their first shift.

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Money Matters


Gain control of your finances with our free 4-part workshop series, Money Matters, with weekly Zoom classes from 4:00 - 6:00 PM on Mondays starting on 10/10/2022.

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